Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our New Electoral Map

So, after our collective exhale, I think it is interesting to look a little deeper into some of the electoral trends we witnessed this last Tuesday.

I ran across this very cool map on NPR's website. What is does is this: It takes our map of the USA and turns it into a cartogram -- a representation of population rather than geographic size.

What is striking to me (but not surprising, being that we here at Mid-America Calling are all about bi-partisianship!) is the amount of purple you see.

We truly are a nation of people who want to see our country be all it can be... we may have differences of opinion on how to make it so, but as you can see from the map, our population is NOT divided by partisian bickering.

Let's hope our elected leaders take that cue, and get to work with a bi-partisian spirit.

1 comment:

prcizmadia said...

And, if you want to see it in a static form, your wish is my command:
